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The ijebu igbo factory is now ready to take your orders for as many bags of garri, you wish to purchase (note that the factory is just producing at a small capacity of 50baga per week for a start)!

The testing of the machinery is complete and the factory has been handed over to the owner. What is left is for the owner to complete by finishing up the factory to the expected standard.

Let's take a glimpse of the two important machinery of the factory...

The cassava peeling machine

The cassava peeling machine was able to peel quite faster than the previous, due to some engineering alterations that bore good results!

It peeled and washed within 2minutes, ready for any yellow garri producer to start grating, while the white garri producer can still wait for at least, five minutes before grating.

The reason being that, by the time it's 5minutes, it would have peeled a substantial part of the second layer which will give you a considerable level of whiteness (not pure white).

Below is a less than 50 seconds video of how is works. You need to install or enable flash player to watch this video.

The automatic garri frying machine, with a separate gasoline engine.

This automatic garri frying machine fries within 40minutes (as usual) but that frying time could be reduced with fermentation and pressing (which we had to do within 12hours time frame, for the purpose of testing).

Like promised, yellow garri producers can now use the automatic frying garri frying machine, as adjustments have been made to ensure it doesn't producer a near powdery finish. The result is as below, after frying.

The finished garri, fried with the automatic garri frying machine

Thanks for your time. To check the prices of our garri processing machinery, kindly click HERE

For setting up your garri processing factory, kindly contact garriguy via voice call/WhatsApp chat on+2347035593128 or send a mail to

